What Color Should You Dye Your Hair?

Find out what color you should dye your hair...
If you are wanting to dye your hair but are having trouble picking a color, do this quiz or just take the quiz for fun.

Chloe Jayne
Created by Chloe Jayne(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 18, 2015

What color eyes do you have?

What is your favorite color?

What kind of person are you?

How popular are you?

How much make up do you wear?

Have you ever dyed your hair?

Pick one...

Do you do any sports?

What's your favorite subject in school?

Finally, what is your hair color now?



You should dye your hair blonde, with your eye color and great traits your hair is just the beginning of your beauty...



You should dye your hair ginger, a great color to match a great personality...



Brown or black is the color for you...
Your eye color and your personality traits say a lot about you and you'd really suit this hair color...



Ombré, an amazing color to dye your hair and it fits an amazing personality...
Your hair color and eye color would be fine with the change as it won't change drastically...



Pink is the color for you. It will look amazing and also fit that great personality of yours...



You should dye your hair blue, it would suit everything about you and you'd look great...

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