Can You Spell The Names Of The 15 Most Misspelled Cities In America?

You're smarter than 65% of Americans if you can correctly spell the names of these U.S. cities. Test yourself here!

Christopher Marlowe
Created by Christopher Marlowe
On Feb 11, 2018
1 / 15

How do you spell this city in New York?

2 / 15

How do you spell this city in Pennsylvania?

3 / 15

How do you spell this city in North Carolina?

4 / 15

How do you spell this city in Michigan?

5 / 15

How do you spell this city in Arizona?

6 / 15

How do you spell this city in Pennsylvania?

7 / 15

How do you spell this city in Massachusetts?

8 / 15

How do you spell this city in New Mexico?

9 / 15

How do you spell this city in Ohio?

10 / 15

How do you spell this city in Virginia?

11 / 15

How do you spell this city in New York?

12 / 15

How do you spell this city in Arizona?

13 / 15

How do you spell this city in Tennessee?

14 / 15

How do you spell this city in Massachusetts?

15 / 15

How do you spell this city in Virginia?

Questions left
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