What Temperature Is Your Personality?
What Temperature Is Your Personality?
Are you on fire?
Are you on fire?

Which weather condition do you feel the most comfortable in?
What calms your nerves when you're stressed or upset?
Which motivational slogan do you identify most with?
Are you a temperamental person?
How impulsive are you?
Which layered food do you most compare to when opening up to other people?
When speaking in front of a crowd you express yourself with which of the following?
When is your "soft side" most likely to expose itself?
50° F: Mysterious & Introverted
50° F: Mysterious & Introverted
Your personality is 50 Degrees Fahrenheit! Some people say you're a bit on the cold side, but that's just because you like to keep to yourself more than most. You save the warmth for anyone who gets close enough to your heart, making ultimate access to your best personality traits exclusive and special. You like remain mysterious and calm, and makes everyone around you only want to dig deep beneath your frosty layer!
75° F: Balanced & Collected
75° F: Balanced & Collected
Your personality is 75 Degrees Fahrenheit! You're looked at as the calm, cool and collected friend, who always manages to downplay a stressful situation. Your temperament is basically non-existent, and making you angry is almost impossible. You come off as a bit withdrawn sometimes, but when you're mentally stimulated by a person or situation that changes quickly. You're just naturally cool as a cucumber!
98° F: Passionate & Sensitive
98° F: Passionate & Sensitive
Your personality is 98 Degrees Fahrenheit! Your character traits are perfectly balanced between passionate and relaxed. You know how to identify the justified emotion that should be applied towards a situation, and you express it wisely. You certainly get angry or excited when it's the moment to do so, but at the other end of the spectrum you know how to pull back the reigns on any irrational emotion. You'd much rather emphasize the more zen piece of your personality, and you're good at doing so!
150° F: Intense & Intriguing
150° F: Intense & Intriguing
Your personality is 150 Degrees Fahrenheit! You have many desirable qualities about you that intrigue the people around you, especially since you have a wild passion for anything you believe in. You don't believe in holding back the way you feel and speak with strong conviction whenever you're given the opportunity. You can get carried away sometimes, but your friends are always there to bring you back down so you don't spin out of control. You just can't help that you get fired up so easily!
200° F: Dramatic & Exciting
200° F: Dramatic & Exciting
Your personality is 200 Degrees Fahrenheit! Your characteristic traits are on absolute fire, and we'll tell you just what those are! You may not be the biggest perfectionist and you have a flair for the dramatic, but you're all about fun and excitement no matter the cost. Maintaining a routine balance just isn't your style and you refuse to be anything less determined when you set out for a quest. However, you can be a bit hot-tempered when things don't go your way, but at least you have a quick rebound rate full of positivity and courage!