What Water Type Pokemon Are You?
What Water Type Pokemon Are You?
Have you ever wondered what water type Pokémon you are? Well this is the right quiz for you!
Have you ever wondered what water type Pokémon you are? Well this is the right quiz for you!

How would you describe yourself?
What is your favourite colour?
How do you feel on a daily basis?
Which one of these sounds most appealing to you?
What are one of your hobbies?
What's your favourite food?
Who is your favourite trainer?
You are Piplup! You love helping out your friends, but when time gets tough you are likely to back out. You pretty energetic and also very adorable!
You are Vaporeon! You are unique and very wise. You are also a very wise decision maker. Even at times you want to be alone, you never actually want to be completely lonely.
You are Squirtle! You listen to others most of the time and is very well behaved. You love to be around with your friends and family and you are very caring.
You are Poliwag! You care for others around you. At some times you can be as sweet and in some other situations you are very tempered.
You are Manaphy! You are caring and very loving. You spread happiness and affection where ever you go. You are always in a positive mood.
You are Totodile! You love to try new things and you hate it when people copy you. You love having fun all the time, but when times get tough you always defend for you and your loved ones.