How good is your taste in music?
How good is your taste in music?
Answer these questions and see if you're as tasteful as you think you are.
Answer these questions and see if you're as tasteful as you think you are.

The last album I bought was…
Which is better?
Andrew Lloyd Webber:
Radiohead are…
Glenn Gould’s Goldberg Variations:
Let’s talk 9th symphonies. Which is best?
Monteverdi is…
Which is the better voice?
Using vibrato when playing Baroque repertoire is…
What should be more important to a musician?
You have great taste in music
You have great taste in music
You are a denizen, a cultural and musical gatekeeper and tastemaker.
You have OK taste in music
You have OK taste in music
You spend £20 a year in record shops and it's usually a recommendation from someone else.
You have good taste in music
You have good taste in music
You're adventurous, but not a total obsessive. You can probably still operate in the real world.