The hardest music theory quiz EVER

These super-fiendish questions were set for us by Tim Benjamin of Clements Theory.

Classic FM
Created by Classic FM (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 29, 2017
1 / 20

Describe the indicated interval.

2 / 20

Describe the indicated interval (as it sounds when played).

3 / 20

Which of the marked sections of 5th-species counterpoint contains a basic error?

4 / 20

Look at the series from Schoenberg’s String Quartet No. 4, Op. 37 and the four tetrachords which follow. Which of the tetrachords begins the “RI2” form of the series?

5 / 20

These four chords are known as the German sixth, French sixth, Italian sixth, and (less commonly) the Australian sixth – but not in that order. In which order are they given, from left to right?

6 / 20

Which of the following German musical terms would be most appropriate for this music, taking into account the suggested metronome marking?

7 / 20

Which of the suggested options is the correct figured bass for the indicated chord in this realisation?

8 / 20

What is missing at the indicated location in this music?

9 / 20

No picture for this one. In Schenkerian analysis, the Ursatz represents:

10 / 20

This is an extract from a German edition of the full score of Mahler, Symphony no. 1, at the end of the first movement. The key is D major. Which of the numbered chords is (in concert pitch) a second inversion subdominant triad?

11 / 20

The note F, when written for alto flute, will sound as which note?

12 / 20

What is wrong with this music written for tenor trombone?

13 / 20

Traditionally, in sonata form, (although numerous exceptions occur!), in which key would the second or subordinate theme usually be written, given a principal theme in C minor?

14 / 20

The scale shown is known in classical music theory as the “octatonic” scale. But what is it known as in jazz theory?

15 / 20

In which of the Gregorian or church modes is this music written?

16 / 20

In this music – a violin part from an orchestral work composed in the style of the “Second Viennese School” – what does the symbol resembling a letter “H” in the first bar mean?

17 / 20

This music is an example of which type of canon?

18 / 20

“Hocket” or “hoquetus” is a technique in which…

19 / 20

The indicated chord in this music could be interpreted as:

20 / 20

The indicated chord – often associated with the music of Scriabin – is known as the…

Questions left
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