Only People With An IQ Of 156 Got 6/6 In This IQ Test
Only People With An IQ Of 156 Got 6/6 In This IQ Test
Can you solve the 6 toughest IQ questions?
Can you solve the 6 toughest IQ questions?

Nailed it!!
Nailed it!!
You are highly intelligent, and you're IQ range is 145–156. You are committed to personal aesthetics, you excel in finding problems and solutions, and you have a driving force to create. You have boundless imagination and an open mind. You can see problems before they occur, and have elaborate inner dialogues and thoughts. You are bored if not engaged, and you constantly require stimulus in your fields of passions. Your I.Q. range is evident in college professors, social scientists, doctors, and individuals with a PhD in the Arts and Sciences.
Famous people who got similar scores are such geniuses as Quentin Tarantino and James Woods.
You totally flunked this!!
You totally flunked this!!
Try again, SHARE the quiz with the world, and remember this one rule: "Never make eye-contact while eating a banana."
(This rule is worth about 74 IQ points)