How Well Do You Know Robot Trivia?
How Well Do You Know Robot Trivia?
Take this quiz to test your trivia knowledge of robotics.
Take this quiz to test your trivia knowledge of robotics.
In 1961, the first working robot made cars for what motor company?
What is the worlds largest robot, at 56 feet long and 27 feet tall?
Robots are being used in some hospitals to distribute medications to patients.
Robotic vacuum cleaners are called...
All robots need hands-on human assistance to function.
There are two robotic geologists on Mars. One is named Spirit and the other is named....
A robot-camera by the name of Jason played its part in the discovery and exploration of this shipwreck in 1986.
The smallest robot is called what?
The first robot, created in 400 BCE Greece, was a steam-powered pigeon.
Robots have a control system that controls their behavior. What is this called?
¼ of all robots are in what country?
The word “robot” comes from the Czech word "robota", which means what?
Unmanned robotic aerial vehicles, which are becoming increasingly popular, are called what?
Who is known as the "Father of Robotics"?
What was the name of the learning computer system who competed on Jeopardy and won?