Which Batman Villain Are You?

There are a vast array of villains for Batman to fight, but which one are you?

Will Jordan
Created by Will Jordan (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jan 27, 2016

What is your weapon of choice in battle against the batman?

What's your biggest weakness?

What's your perfect crime?

What's your name?

What was your job before super-villainy?

There's a jukebox at the diner where you are. What song do you choose?

What's your favorite animal?



You can be a bit psychopathic at times, but you're still a very intelligent strategic person. You don't think order is very necessary.



You think for your own personal gain. You've tried befriending people, but that backfired.



ORDER! It's not about what you want, it's about what's fair.



Riddle me this: what carries around a purple cane, lots of cranium, and a green hat? Answer: YOU!



Feline-themed weirdo of Gotham. You're the purrrrrfect companion for Batman.

Harley Quinn

Harley Quinn

You're Harley Quinn. A super-psycho who's helplessly in love with Mistah J.

Black Mask

Black Mask

You're the super-gangster Black Mask. MY MONEY!! You've been in this business longer than anyone else.



You were born into the darkness. You are a friggin genius, with peak physical condition.

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