Which 'Made In The A.M.' song was written about you?

One Direction's latest album has a tracklist of 17 amazingly catchy songs -- but did you know the band wrote one of them for YOU? Take the quiz to find out your 'MITAM' song.

Courtney Culbreath
Created by Courtney Culbreath (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Pick an Avenger.

Pick a prom theme.

Pick a sour gummy worm.

Pick a city.

Pick a Disney princess.

Pick a song from "Take Me Home."

Pick a Chris.

Pick a Lady Gaga song.

Pick an '80s movie.

Pick an emoji.

Pick a Harry hairstyle.

Pick a color.

"If I Could Fly"

"If I Could Fly"

You're understanding and very easy to talk to. You may be a self-conscious sometimes and not have the confidence in yourself you deserve , but 1D wrote "If I Could Fly" to show you that you're not alone and that they're here for you.

"Hey Angel"

"Hey Angel"

Did it hurt?... When you fell after realizing this song was written about you? 1D think you're so absolutely perfect that they compare you to an actual angel. It's so disgustingly romantic that you love every bit of it.



You like causing trouble up in hotel rooms and having secret little rendez-vous -- guess that makes for a perfect girl in 1D's eyes. You're spontaneous and aren't afraid to take risks. You aren't afraid of embracing the spotlight, and 1D want to make sure you know they think they're perfect for you.

"What a Feeling"

"What a Feeling"

You put a wall up when you start getting close to that special someone. You love the beginnings of relationships, but can never seem to make it past those initial stages. Your personality makes everyone flock to you, but 1D want to show you that they're here for you in the long run.



You expect a lot out of a relationship, and maybe it's because you haven't had the best of luck with them in the past. But 1D want to prove to you that they're committed and willing to give it shot. You want a lover that will fawn over your every move and let you know how beautiful you are -- well, this song might just do the trick.

"I Want To Write You A Song"

"I Want To Write You A Song"

You're into those acoustic, lovey-dovey songs that make you cry, but good news -- 1D are too. You're known among your friends as the sweetheart, and you crave that fairytale romance. This song was written for you to prove that love knows no boundaries.



When you're with that special person, the rest of the world doesn't exist. You haven't had the best of luck in the relationship department, but every time you're in one, you put your everything into it. You're a dreamer crave the feeling of being with someone just as inspired as you.

"Temporary Fix"

"Temporary Fix"

You're adventurous and don't care for being held down in relationships. You love to have a good time, and 1D love that about you. To quote a little country song, you're not here for a long time, you're here for a good time. So grab your temporary fix and let the good time roll.

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