What Faction Are You?

In this quiz, you will learn what faction you belong in.

Crack Kid
Created by Crack Kid (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Jun 16, 2015

What word describes you...

Where would you most like to go?

Would you like..

How do your friends describe you?



Your Dauntless! You are the fighters of the region and you are supposedly fearless and brave. You will be the protectors of the city.



Your Amity! You are the the farmers. You are kind and loving and sweet to everyone, even those who have wronged you. You will be a farmer.



Your Candor! You always tell the truth, even when you don't want to. You have a trained eye to see when some one is lying. You will have something to do with the law.



Your Abnegation ! You do not think of yourself, only others. Abnegation is hated by the Erudite. You will have something to do politics.



Your Erudite! You are a true know-it-all. You seek knowledge just for fun. You will have something to do with a job that requires smart people.



Your Divergent! Don't tell anyone, this is very dangerous. You can't be held down to just one faction. You can have any job you like.

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