At What Age Will You Actually Become Old?
At What Age Will You Actually Become Old?
When will you decide to finally kick back and enjoy your glorious golden years?
When will you decide to finally kick back and enjoy your glorious golden years?

What would you use to eat cereal?
Do you have a pet waiting for you at home?
Which do you prefer?
Which do you actually do more often?
When do you usually go to sleep?
Which scares you most?
You enjoy eating:
Do you enjoy meeting new people?
Do you enjoy taking naps?
Do you usually have cash in your wallet?
Pick something sweet:
Deep inside, do you think you're old?
You Will Become Old At: 21
You Will Become Old At: 21
21 is your lucky number! Or should we say, your GOLDEN number!
You've had 21 wonderful youthful years, and basically, you got the gist of it. It's nice to still have all of your original teeth, but it's also very time consuming to be young.
You have to go out with friends, be active, dress nice, and be exposed to direct sunlight!
You would much rather stay in all day, watch daytime TV and drink tea with a piece of lemon cake.
You realized your true love in life at a very young age, and that means you have a lot of years ahead of you to really get old!
You Will Become Old At: 30
You Will Become Old At: 30
You will become officially old at 30!
The big 3-0 will be a big, life changing moment in your life (or it might have passed already?).
At 30, after 3 decades of living it up like the kids do, you realized it's time to hang up your dancing shoes and buy a comfy lay-z-boy chair.
Nothing suits you better than stay in, talk to your friends and family on the phone, and never change your pajama shorts.
You Will Become Old At: 42
You Will Become Old At: 42
At 42, you would decide (or have you already decided?) that it's time to put on your orthopedic shoes and let the quiet times begin.
All you really need in life now is to be surrounded by your beloved family, enjoy some naps, and take a stroll through the park once a week.
We think you've made a wise choice.
You Will Become Old At: 17
You Will Become Old At: 17
At 17, after just stepping into the world, you decided to quit while you're ahead and put down your roots.
You are not interested in taking over the world head on and trying different experiences, you'd rather find relax at home, work on your free time, and live a stress free life.
When you say it like that, save us a spot on your couch!
You Will Become Old At: 75
You Will Become Old At: 75
You will live fast and enjoy every minute of it till you're 75!
You are a very passionate and curious person, and the world is your oyster!
You will enjoy every waking moment (and a few sleeping ones), and go through a lot of awesome adventures.
At 75, you will decide that you want to kick back a bit and relax. Enjoy some quality time with your loved ones, reminisce on all of your adventures, and maybe write your own memoir.
You are Forever Young!
You are Forever Young!
No matter how old you're going to get, you will always be young at heart!
You have a lively and fiery spirit who doesn't know the meaning of "slowing down".
You are always up for some good times, always challenging yourself and moving forward.
Your enthusiasm knows no limits, and you are not about to search for them.
The world is your playground, and you are just getting started baby!
You Will Become Old At: 92
You Will Become Old At: 92
At 92, after years of happy and exciting memories, you will finally feel like you need to slow it down.
Although you will never be like those people who're just sitting at home and looking out the window, you will invest in your home and make it more accommodating.
Your time has come to relax and kick back, and you should enjoy your golden years in style!