Can We Guess One Thing About You?
Can We Guess One Thing About You?
We know at least ONE thing about you! Find out now!
We know at least ONE thing about you! Find out now!

Rain makes you:
What is love?
Which was one of your favorite movies as a kid?
Do you exercise daily?
Have you ever played "Pong"?
How would you like your eggs?
Which is the first app you open every morning?
What would make you go like this? (Play GIF)
You HATE mornings!
You HATE mornings!
What's worse than getting up in the morning? Getting up on a MONDAY MORNING!
Starting with that annoying alarm clock that basically tells you: "Get up, fun times are over!" Now you have to get out of the bed, be cold, and suffer until the coffee is ready :( Then, you have to get dressed, which means switching warm and cozy pajamas to cold and uncomfortable working clothes. And yeah, there's also work...
What follows next might be the worst of it all - you leave your house and realize that you have an ENTIRE WEEK AHEAD OF YOU!
You drink A LOT of coffee!
You drink A LOT of coffee!
Forget about "Good Morning", the first 2 words you say every day are "Need Coffee".
You cannot start your morning without a fresh cup of warm, cozy and sweet coffee. Before that first sip, you are a grumpy, tired, and annoyed, but once that drink finds its way to your mouth, the most beautiful, loving person emerges.
You love bad 80's music
You love bad 80's music
Listen, this is more common than you think. You shouldn't be ashamed of your true love for 80's music.
We all have some old Madonna records somewhere, and we all smile (and sing along) every time we hear that "Like a virgin" tune.
80's music is fun, jumpy and totally catchy, we don't judge.
Now go put on some "Material Girl" and jump around like it's 1987!
You love to secretly judge other people
You love to secretly judge other people
Hey, we don't judge, but YOU should!
We love judging strangers, and we LOVE you for doing that!
We all do that from time to time, but only a few (like yourself), find themselves totally committed to this art form.
Now quickly, what do you think of that person you saw today on the street?!
You set 3 alarm clocks every morning
You set 3 alarm clocks every morning
You are really, really bad at waking up.
You need AT LEAST 3 alarm clocks to get you out of bed every morning, and then, 2 cups of coffee to get you talking.
Mornings are hard for everybody, but it's especially bad for you.
On the plus side, once you're up, you're up! No napping for you in the middle of the day.
You always try to stop the microwave before the final second
You always try to stop the microwave before the final second
Yes, You love feeling like a secret agent who is on a mission to save the world by defusing a bomb.
Every time you turn the microwave on, you try to stop it at the last possible second. If you succeed, you feel like a hero, if you fail, you feel like a super villain. So, what will you be today? And how tasty is your yesterday's pizza?