How Does Your Imagination Affect Your Life?
How Does Your Imagination Affect Your Life?
Do you have the power to picture your perfect life and then make it happen in reality?
Do you have the power to picture your perfect life and then make it happen in reality?

Do you enjoy daydreaming?
Before making a big decision, you:
How would you rate your sense of humor?
What relaxes you most:
Do you like laughing at yourself from time to time?
What moves you more?
Have you ever used humor to get your point across?
What affects your mood the most?
It Fuels Your Positive Attitude
It Fuels Your Positive Attitude
Your imagination is the greatest source of positive energy in your life.
You lead a very busy life, but you try to keep a few hours to yourself everyday to relax, connect with yourself, and nourish your soul.
You use your imagination in order to relax, picture the life you want, and figure out how to get it.
You realised very early on that there's no point in keeping negative thoughts in your head. They only bring down your spirit and discourage your dreams.
You figured out that when you feed positive thoughts into your brain, everything just fits into place, and you become a much happier, successful person.
It Pushes You Forward
It Pushes You Forward
Your imagination is the strongest driving force in your life.
Whenever you feel stuck in one place and in need of change, you use your imagination to visualize what it is that's missing in your life and how to get it.
While other people struggle to find what drives them, you use your imagination to picture every possible future, and then pick out the one that will make you happiest.
It Calms Your Mind
It Calms Your Mind
You lead a very busy and sometimes stressful life.
You're always in a hurry, always putting out fires and rushing from one place to another.
Your imagination helps keep you sane and productive by calming your mind.
You don't need to pay $5,000 to go to a fancy relaxing resort. All you need to do is close your mind, relax your muscles, and go into your own inner world.
It Helps You Deal With Life's Struggles
It Helps You Deal With Life's Struggles
Your imagination helps you deal with life's struggles in a very unique way.
While other people keep picturing their worst nightmares while stressed, you picture the best possible outcome, and take it from there.
Subconsciously, you don't believe in negative thoughts. You know that they will only scare you more, and that nothing good can come of it.
You'd rather think about the best thing that COULD happen and then think about how to MAKE IT HAPPEN.
It Entertains Your Loved Ones
It Entertains Your Loved Ones
You are an inspirational person.
You use your imagination in order to talk to the people in your life, and inspire them to think big, take risks, and follow their own hearts.
You don't wish to interfere too much with their lives, but through your words, you inspire them to make their dreams a reality, and guide them in times of crisis and need.