These 23 Paintings Reveal What People In 1900 Thought The 2000s Would Look Like
These 23 Paintings Reveal What People In 1900 Thought The 2000s Would Look Like
Some of them are startlingly accurate, for instance, the prediction of the Roomba. Flip to see what these turn-of-the-century painters envisioned for the future!
Some of them are startlingly accurate, for instance, the prediction of the Roomba. Flip to see what these turn-of-the-century painters envisioned for the future!
These turn-of-the-century painters really believed in Roomba
They also had startling good farming instincts...
2nd Grade Science classrooms everywhere would love this.
They definitely understood the appeal of traveling at home.
And there are plenty of teachers who wish this was real...
Most clothing is made with at least a little automation.
But we're really missing out on this salon experience.
And having a hair and makeup robot? Yes, please!!!
iPods were kind of like having a one-man orchestra...
They basically knew exactly what we'd need in a helicopter.
They also had a concept of tanks...
Fighter planes were pretty much correct...
They were also right about aerial battles, but not blimps.
We actually failed them in most flying areas...
They wanted flying postal workers...
They wanted flying police officers to police air traffic...
They wanted to give fire fighters wings... WINGS.
Somehow, they also thought birds would become a huge threat.
The weirdest thing, though, is how they saw water sports...
They had this idea that fish would suddenly be really big...
And that sea horses would be the size of actual horses...
And they completely redefined fly-fishing...
But best of all, they saw a future with whale buses...