How Much Do You Know ICarly

Do you really know your childhood show "ICarly"? There's only one way to find out.

Created by crazyturkey (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Apr 13, 2017
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In the episode "IGive Away A Car", who won the brainbuster?

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In the episode "ITwins", what was the name of the "holiday" that Carly & Sam made up to prank

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In the episode "IThink They Kissed", how much did Sam get from Carly's wallet?

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In the episode "ISpeed Date", how many seconds did it needed to take to impress Carly?

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In the episode "IFind Lewbert's Lost Love", what was the name of the girl Lewbert fell in love with?

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In the episode "IFix A Pop Star", what did Ginger Fox use to "wash" her hair?

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In the episode "IGet Pranky", what did Freddie filled a kid from camp his hat with?

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In the episode "ILost My Mind", what year did Caleb (a guy from the "future") come from?

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In the episode "IWas A Beauty Pageant Girl, when they were playing a game called "What Am I?"

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In the episode "IMove Out", what did Sam say to the petoraphers because they said to shut their petography studio down?

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