Which One Direction Song Is Actually About You?

Take EW's quiz below to find out which One Direction song is low-key about you, despite what ghastly misinformation you might have heard.

Entertainment Weekly
Created by Entertainment Weekly (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Which member is your favorite? (It's okay to be conflicted, but every parent has a favorite child.)

How do you feel about the hiatus?

Are you in a relationship?

Tell us how you really feel about Zayn leaving the band.

It's been a long week. Any weekend plans?

What's your favorite One Direction album?

Are you a romantic?

Your BFF whips out the front-facing camera on their iPhone — it's selfie time. What do you do?

What's a dealbreaker in a significant other?

Your ideal "Night Changes" date? (Try to separate the boy from the date itself. We know it's hard.)

What's your worst relationship habit?

What are you like in a relationship?

Finally, how did your last relationship end?

"You & I"

"You & I"

Man, One Direction were in DEEP when they wrote You & I about you, specifically. To put it mildly, you're a bit of a monogamist when it comes to your interpersonal relationships. Even if you've never been in a romantic relationship, it's your straightforward and serious-minded nature that led to a song about a kind of end-of-the-world love that makes everyone around you just a tiny bit jealous. But remember to regard yourself as your own person, instead of one piece to a whole.

Key lyrics:
We can make it 'til the end / Nothing can come between / You & I / Not even the gods above / Could separate the two of us

Temporary Fix

Temporary Fix

You're not really looking to be tied down at the moment, but luckily, neither were One Direction when they sang this song about you. You're not opposed to settling down in the future, but for now, pragmatism is key while you focus on achieving other goals in your life. You're well aware of your value, and you hold the power in your romantic entanglements. (And your haters are just jealous.)

Key lyrics:
You can call me / When you feel like / I'm your good time / I'll be your temporary fix / You can own me and we'll call this what you like / Let me be your good night



Though many fans retconned this song into being about Zayn after he left the band, you know that the 'Four' track is REALLY about you. You're not opposed to relationships, but you're not always particularly good at maintaining them. Problems in your friendships, too, are compounded by your dislike of confrontation, which can lead to a messier-than-necessary split down the line. You've always tried your best, so don't worry about One Direction's dramatics: they might be finished taking turns, but you're looking forward to doing better for yourself next time. Live and learn.

Key lyrics:
Who's gonna be the first one to compromise / Who's gonna be the first one to set it all on fire / Who's gonna be the last one to drive away / Forgetting every single promise we ever made

Girl Almighty

Girl Almighty

You're royalty, and One Direction knew it when they sang this song about you. There's something about you that sends people to their knees, but you don't let their perceptions cloud what you know to be true about yourself. (That goes for your haters, too.) When it comes to interpersonal relationships, friends are just as important to you as romance, but you're also pretty good at keeping yourself company. You try to be all about balance and positive energy.

Key lyrics:
Let's have another toast to the girl almighty
Let's pray we stay young, stay made of lightning

There's something happening here
I hope you feel what I'm feeling too
I'd get down, I'd get down, I'd get down on my knees for you

Little Things

Little Things

You like to keep things simple, and One Direction love that about you. You're far more inclined to stay in on the weekend, and you don't play games in your friendships or relationships. Sometimes you hyper-focus on one relationship and settle down too quickly, but remember that balance and a healthy sense of self-worth are key. You're straightforward and open — sometimes to the point of your own detriment — but it's important to you to be honest.

Key lyrics:
I won't let these little things / Slip out of my mouth / But if I do / It's you / Oh it's you / They add up to / I'm in love with you / And all these little things



In your friendships and relationships, you're old reliable. It's a quality that One Direction love about you, but sometimes you get caught up in caring too much for other people, and sometimes you let them take advantage of your kind nature. Remember to take care of yourself, too, and don't worry so much about fixing the problems of everyone around you.

Key lyrics:
I'm sorry if I say, "I need you" / But I don't care / I'm not scared of love / 'Cause when I'm not with you I'm weaker / Is that so wrong? / Is it so wrong? / That you make me strong?



You don't stand for nonsense, and that's something One Direction realized when they wrote a song trying to convince you to stay. You're all about pragmatism and self-care. In your friendships and relationships, you've got an eye on the scales and you're happy to walk away if you feel it's all take, take, take. You're not made of stone, however, and can be moved by an honest plea for forgiveness when someone realizes they've made a mistake.

Key lyrics:
Say what you're feeling and say it now / 'Cause I got the feeling you're walking out / And time is irrelevant when I've not been seeing you / The consequences of falling out / Are something I'm having nightmares about / And these are the reasons I'm crying out to be with you

Fool's Gold

Fool's Gold

Oops. Listen, you didn't MEAN to hurt One Direction this bad. You're not really a relationship person, and that's something people know going in. Though you've been criticized for turning your charm on and off like a light switch, sometimes your outwardly easygoing nature is a defense mechanism to keep people at bay so that you can keep yourself from feeling vulnerable. And that's okay! Just be honest with yourself and others, and consider opening yourself up every now and then.

Key lyrics:
Yeah, I know your love's not real / That's not the way it feels / That's not the way you feel / And, yes, I let you use me from the day that we first met / But I'm not done yet / Falling for your fool's gold

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