Can You Pass The Hardest Job Interview Ever?
Can You Pass The Hardest Job Interview Ever?
Could you get a job at Google?
Could you get a job at Google?
We'll start with an old classic: what's your biggest weakness?
Now for something a little more off the wall. Can you calculate how many tennis balls are used during the course of Wimbledon?
One Google candidate was asked this: How many calories are in a supermarket?
From an Urban Outfitters job interview: What would you take to a lonely island with you and why?
You have 17 red and 17 blue balls, and you remove 2 at a time. If the two are the same colour, add in one extra blue ball. If they are different colours, add in an extra red ball. What colour is the final ball removed?
What cartoon character would you be?
You just got back from a 2 week vacation and have 300 emails to process in the next hour. What do you do?
How many uses can you think of for a lemon?
Another one from Google: How many degrees are there in the angle between the hour and minute hands of a clock when the time is a quarter past three?
What colour is your brain?
You failed!
You failed!
No job at Google for you, I'm afraid - you failed. You failed to grasp the basic rudimentals of job interviews, and the more out-there questions stumped you too. Still - there's always McDonalds.
You failed!
You failed!
You failed! You've got the basics covered - your name, for example, and how old you are - but the rest of it had you stumped. You have no idea how many tennis balls they use during Wimbledon - you were too busy drinking Pimms. Never mind, though - there's always McDonalds.
You passed!
You passed!
You passed! Well done - you passed! You covered both the basics and the more quirky, conceptual questions. Mark Zuckerberg better watch his back - there's a new genius in town.