We Know What Your Girlfriend Looks Like

This test is 100% accurate.

Daniel Roth
Created by Daniel Roth
On Jan 18, 2016

How do you decide who does the dishes?

It's the January sales! What did your girl buy?

It’s date night. What movie will she try to drag you to this time?

What does she normally share on Instagram?

What’s her favourite snack?

What’s her hidden talent?

What’s the most romantic thing you could do for them?

What's their lucky number?

Quick, the ‘is she right for you’ test - what’s her all-time number one biscuit choice?

What pet does she have or want?

Your Hand

Your Hand

Your girlfriend is your hand. That’s right, your hand. The appendage from the end of your arm. Anyway, you may recognise your hand as being a useful five-fingered grasping implement. For grasping what? Well, I’m sure we don’t have to spell it out. Everyone gets lonely, and with no Adriana Lima, Emma Stone or Hayley Williams around to lend a hand, you’re going to be relying on yourself. Self-sufficiency - there really is no better feeling in the world, is there?

Adriana Lima

Adriana Lima

Your girlfriend looks like Adriana Lima. That’s right, Adriana Lima. The supermodel. Your girl is a classic red-carpet type, dressed to kill and ready to knock 'em dead anywhere, any time. She is super up on the latest make-up and this season’s do’s and don’t; because if you look this good, why wouldn’t you want to do it all the time?

Emma Stone

Emma Stone

Your girlfriend looks like Emma Stone. Your GF is a prime example of a girl next door - understated and reassuringly normal. No wacky make-up or other sartorial liabilities are likely for her. But her mainstream fashion choices don’t stop her being super-hot. If anything, it makes her more so. She cares just the right amount about her appearance without going overboard, and everyone knows that’s the coolest look of all.

Hayley Williams

Hayley Williams

Your girlfriend looks like Hayley Williams. You and your beau may or may not be into the emo-pop stylings of the middle American Christian rockers, but your girlfriend sure knows how to rock the alternative look. Whether its streaks in her hair, ripped fishnets, tattoos or H&M hoodies - or perhaps a combination of all of them - your girlfriend has the lead-singer-of-a-rock-band look locked down.

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