OutdoorHub Quiz: Can You Identify These Exotic Guns?

Can you guess what these strange-looking guns are called?

Daniel Xu
Created by Daniel Xu (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Aug 6, 2015
1 / 10

These rare guns are much sought after by collectors.

2 / 10

This gun actually shoots .45-70 rounds instead of 12 gauge shells, although it is based on a shotgun frame.

3 / 10

This design from Czech designer Karel Michalek is called the...

4 / 10

A version of this "fist gun" appears towards the end of Quentin Tarantino's "Inglorious Basterds"

5 / 10

No, you're not seeing things. This 1911-style pistol has two barrels.

6 / 10

This infamous French design is called....

7 / 10

How much exactly is too much firepower? You can never have too much right?

8 / 10

This is a hard one, so we left a very important clue in the picture. Since it is a prototype, very few people have had the chance to shoot this .50 BMG pistol.

9 / 10

No, this is not a toy gun.

10 / 10

What is this bizarrely futuristic, yet retro gun?

Questions left
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