What Classic Christmas Movie Kid Is Your Inner Child?
What Classic Christmas Movie Kid Is Your Inner Child?
Who are you, Cindy Lou? Ralphie? Charlie Brown? Open up this quiz and find your inner child!
Who are you, Cindy Lou? Ralphie? Charlie Brown? Open up this quiz and find your inner child!

Were you naughty or nice as a kid?
During Christmas, which of these activities did you do most?
Tis better to GIVE or to RECEIVE?
Which X-Mas craze was your fave?
Which of these is your favorite Christmas cookie?
Which of these places holds your favorite Christmas memories?
When did you know that Santa wasn't real, before or after Kindergarten?
Did you have a white Christmas growing up?
When did you have your FAVORITE Christmas - before age 10 or after?
Are you going to tell your kids about Santa?
Hey there Kevin McCallister from "Home Alone"!
Hey there Kevin McCallister from "Home Alone"!
Hey there. I know this world can sometimes make it seem as if everyone has abandoned you, but that is only true if you believe it. The universe sets up some crazy ways to bail you out of bad situations, and it will also never put you through anything you can't handle. Besides hasn't rising to the occasion been a regular theme for you throughout your life? Challenges come, yet you just hurdle past them as if you were destined to do so. Just remember that all of your toils and troubles will be reciprocated as you will get everything that is coming to you young McCallister!
Hey there Ralphie from "A Christmas Story"!
Hey there Ralphie from "A Christmas Story"!
Do you see something you want young Ralphie? It's already yours - you just have to endure the journey to get it! If everything was easy then this life wouldn't be worth living friend. It'd be so bland you'd spit it right back out unabashedly. It's the chomping of the jaws, the ups and downs that keep us with an appetite for more. When you don't get what you want right off the bat it's enough to make you stop, but that moment you stop is the moment you let what you wanted slip right away. It's not gone yet tho... go get it Ralphie!
Hey there Cindy Lou Who from "The Grinch"!
Hey there Cindy Lou Who from "The Grinch"!
Cindy Lou Who, why not many are as pure of heart as you. They say the eyes are the window to the soul, and within your mesmerizing stare is the truth that everyone needs. The absolute compassion it takes to look at the person who stole from you in their eyes and say "be careful" is supernatural, and that lies within you. You have the power to unite entire villages with the power of your words, and it's be a shame if you didn't do that because you're so bashful. The world is waiting for you!
Hey there Charlie Brown from "The Peanuts"!
Hey there Charlie Brown from "The Peanuts"!
Christmas tiiiiiime is heeeeeeere, and you're Charlie Brown. Why does it always seem like the world tries to beat you down? The best part is that you're rarely ever seen with a frown and day to day you seek to help people as you walk around. Yes, this world is getting crazy and people are obsessed with whatever the next trending topic is, but they don't have your understanding Charlie Brown - that's why they try to bring you down. But everything comes back around, so please, remain YOU with 2 feet planted in the ground.
Hey there Susan Walker from "Miracle on 34th Street"
Hey there Susan Walker from "Miracle on 34th Street"
This world is full of doubters and naysayers that will try to get you to see things another way, but Susan you must stay strong! Pay attention to the synchronicity of how things are working out and let those little "coincidences" (there's truly no such thing) be what you need to proceed. You can call it a miracle at the end of the day, but what is meant to be will be. Seeing is not truly believing, but putting your full faith in something - that's when it will come into fruition.
Hey there Thurman Merman from "Bad Santa"!
Hey there Thurman Merman from "Bad Santa"!
Thank you for having such a warm and lovely heart for the world is starved of innocence these days. Thurman just simply plays the cards he has been dealt and looks at it with only the utmost optimism and truths. That is the only way to drift through this human experience and by George he's got it! Sure people may try and tear you down from time to time, but at the end of the day they'll get tired and you'll still be that innocent kid looking for love. You win.