Can You Answer The 15 Questions EVERY 5th Grader Knows?

These 10 year olds are no joke! See if your brain can keep up with a 5th grader's!

Dapho Dill
Created by Dapho Dill
On Nov 4, 2015
1 / 15

The Grand Canyon is located in which state?

2 / 15

What is it called when animals move to a warm climate in the winter?

3 / 15
4 / 15

What is the most common gas in earth's atmosphere?

5 / 15

Which is the fastest bird on feet?

6 / 15

What does sound travel through fastest?

7 / 15
8 / 15

What is the reciprocal of 5/14?

9 / 15

A turtle is an amphibian?

10 / 15

You have a gross of pencils, how many do you have?

11 / 15

What do you call an underwater mountain whose top is below the water’s surface?

12 / 15

What is the capital of China?

13 / 15

How long is one regular term for a U.S. Representative?

14 / 15
15 / 15

Which planet is closest to earth?

Questions left
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