Walt Disney

Please answer the following Quiz, and figure out who Walt Disney is? One of Walt Disney`s son`s today are counting one you.

Created by ddeutscher.pinnacle (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Dec 12, 2016
1 / 20

Is this Walt Disney?

2 / 20

When was Walt Disney Born?

3 / 20

What was Walt Disney Famous for?

4 / 20

How many/From #3/ Did Disney create?

5 / 20

In the 1940s, What 3 classic Disney movies did Walter released?

6 / 20

How did Walt Disney came up with an Idea of Creating Mickey Mouse?

7 / 20

What year did Disney created Mickey Mouse?

8 / 20

What year time was Cinderella, Peter pan, & Alice in wonderland made in?

9 / 20

In the 1960s, What was the most popular Disney Musical movie?

10 / 20

What Disney movie in 1985 First had a Walt Disney Pictures Logo?

11 / 20

what day Did Walt Disney Died?

12 / 20

What year did Disney made the Very first Computer Animated Motion Picture With Pixar in?

13 / 20

What movie was Disney/Pixar Very first Computer animated Motion Picture?

14 / 20

What day did Disneyland Opened?

15 / 20

What Day did Walt Disney World/Florida/ Opened?

16 / 20

How did Walt Disney came up with Making Disneyland?

17 / 20

What Year time did Disney Owned Star Wars?

18 / 20

How much Money did Disney raised For his Films?

19 / 20

How Much Money profit did Disney made in his Theme park?

20 / 20

When did Walt Disney Got Married?

Questions left
These are 10 of the World CRAZIEST Ice Cream Flavors
Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021