Can we guess your sexuality?
Can we guess your sexuality?
Straight man? Gay woman? Let's see if we can guess your sexuality!
Straight man? Gay woman? Let's see if we can guess your sexuality!
You're in a healthy, happy relationship and you're thinking about marriage. Who's proposing?
Would you introduce your significant other to your grandparents?
Which of these musicians do you like best?
Do you enjoy sex?
Which celebrity you find most the most sexually attractive?
What does LGBTQA stand for? Don't cheat!
Which celebrity you find most the most sexually attractive?
Do you ever get judged because of your sexual orientation?
Straight Man
Straight Man
You are a heterosexual or "straight" man AKA a man who is attracted to the opposite gender. Heterosexuality is the most common sexual orientation in the world (but by no means "normal". It is simply more common than some variations of human sexuality).
Straight Woman
Straight Woman
You are a heterosexual or "straight" woman AKA a woman who is attracted to the opposite gender. Heterosexuality is the most common sexual orientation in the world (but by no means "normal". It is simply more common than some variations of human sexuality).
Gay Man
Gay Man
You are a homosexual or "gay" man AKA a man whose sexual preference is members of the same sex. You're an absoultely normal person who happens to be sexually and romantically attracted to people that are of the same sex - go you!
Gay Woman
Gay Woman
You are a homosexual or "gay" woman AKA a woman whose sexual preference is members of the same sex. You're an absoultely normal person who happens to be sexually and romantically attracted to people that are of the same sex - go you!
You are bisexual! You're capable of having physical, romantic, and sexual attraction attractions towards both sexes. It does not mean that you cannot make up your mind, it does not mean you are sex-crazed, and it does not mean that you will by default participate in orgies every night. You just like men and woman, and that's rad.
You're asexual! You are a person who is not interested in or does not desire sexual activity, either within or outside of a relationship. While you're not a physically sexual person, you are absolutely capable of loving, affectionate, romantic ties to others.