What Jurassic World Raptor Are You?
What Jurassic World Raptor Are You?
Find out what Velociraptor from the new summer block buster movie are you!
Find out what Velociraptor from the new summer block buster movie are you!
What is your favorite color?
What is your view on authority?
What are you main traits?
How are you most likely gonna die?
Choose a Lantern Corps
Choose a type of food
What are you the most scared of?
Choose a Marvel hero
Choose a Villain
What is your favorite movie out of these?
You are Charlie! You are the youngest and most inexperienced member of your group. You also really rely on authority because the other raptors tend to pick on you.
You got Echo! Echo is the third youngest raptor in their group. You tend to dislike authority and you got a scar from fighting your leader, Blue.
You are similar to Delta! Delta is the second oldest raptor member and the most different. You act and think more like a wonder, unlike your siblings that are more reptilian. You are aggressive towards others, but you respect authority.
You are the raptor leader, Blue! Blue has minor problems with her superiors, but gets along with them most of the time. Your position in your pack less you to make cocky, sometimes reckless choices. Nevertheless, you are the smartest, biggest and strongest raptor