What's Your Life Plot Twist?
What's Your Life Plot Twist?
Every good movie has a twist in the end- find out in advance what yours will be *warning: spoilers*.
Every good movie has a twist in the end- find out in advance what yours will be *warning: spoilers*.
Do you feel in control?
What is your greatest weakness?
What motivates you?
What is your biggest pet peeve?
What is your greatest fear?
What is your favorite food?
What's your favorite kind of comedy?
What's your favorite song?
What's your favorite movie?
What is your best quality?
It Was All A Dream (Or Was It?)
It Was All A Dream (Or Was It?)
You wake up and realize you've been in your room this whole time. What a very strange dream this was... wait... what was that?
You're Dead
You're Dead
You realize why no one can see you now! You died in a horrible accident... or was it?
Your Worst Enemy is Really YOUR FATHER!!!!
Your Worst Enemy is Really YOUR FATHER!!!!
Your Loved One is Secretly Evil
Your Loved One is Secretly Evil
You thought you could trust them, but they've been sabotaging you every step of the way. At least you have your family? Or do you....
The Power Was Inside You All Along
The Power Was Inside You All Along
You thought you needed something special to make you succeed, but it's been you all along! You are the chosen one! Or are you?