Which X-Men Movie Character Are You?
Which X-Men Movie Character Are You?
Mutant and proud.
Mutant and proud.

Pick a power, any power...
How do you feel about the human race, in general?
Got any hobbies?
How far will you go to get what you want?
What's your favourite colour?
Describe your teenage years in one word...
So, you get your powers, what’s the first thing you do?
How would your friends describe you?
What's your go-to outfit?
Where's your dream place to live?
Professor X
Professor X
Calm, confident (some might say cocky) and always in favour of a peaceful solution; when trouble comes a-knocking, you'll be the first one to know about it. And don't stress the 'no-hair' thing, you can control minds... you're a total boss.
(Or did you just MAKE us think that?)
Righteous and wrathful, you're one of the most powerful mutants on the planet. When people cross you, the metal goes flying and it's the last thing they do. But there's more to you than meets the eye, if you let anyone see the real you for long enough. Shame about the fashion sense though...
Jean Grey
Jean Grey
Fiery hair, fiery temper; You are shy and unassuming, but a total badass on the DL. People mess with you and your friends at their peril. And you haven't even reached your full potential... yet.
Fast, funny and always one step ahead; the rest of the world must seem sooooo slooooowwww to you. You make a joke out of everything, but deep down you care about doing the right thing. You love using your powers (even if it's just to steal stuff or rescue your criminal father) and let's be honest, you look pretty awesome doing it...
Strong and adaptable, you are a true survivor. Even though it took you a while to get here, you're a real believer in not hiding from your problems. You're naturally wary and suspicious of those around you, but once someone gets under your skin, they're there to stay and you will go above-and-beyond to help them out. Despite the frowns and generally poor temperament, you're a better person than you think you are.
A born leader in every sense of the word, you struggle with authority figures, but once they gain your respect your loyalty to them is unwavering. Under that 'don't care' exterior, you really just want to be accepted and do the right thing. And bro, those shades are SO fab.
Tough and independent, you are never one to back down from a fight, even though you try very hard not to start them. You are used to relying on yourself, but you are always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. If they screw up though, they best watch their back...
So... don't take this the wrong way, but we really don't want to hang out with you. It's cool though, you've got your own friends. Admittedly they're only there because you bribed them, but at least you're not alone.
AND you're super-powerful. You're basically a god. What do YOU need us for?
(Please don't hurt us).