20 Years On: How Well Do You Remember Dexters Laboratory?
20 Years On: How Well Do You Remember Dexters Laboratory?
How well do you remember what Dexter and his arch enemies got up to?
How well do you remember what Dexter and his arch enemies got up to?
What accent does Dexter have?
Who is one of Dexters favourite superheroes?
What is the name of the school Dexter attends?
What is Mandark known for?
What is the name of Monkey's girlfriend and sidekick?
Which of these superpowers does Monkey NOT have?
What did Dexter's mum help him save the world from?
What does Dee Dee excel at?
What is the Infraggable Krunk's favourite TV show?
What is the source of Val Hallen's power?
Which of these characters are NOT in The Justice Friends?
What type of alien is Snorkdro?
In what magical land can Sugar Wompum's be found?
How does Dexter's mum enter her own laboratory?
Which new student ended up being more clever than Dexter and Mandark?