25 Things Guys Do That Make Girls Cringe

A (sort of) definitive list.

Created by Distractify (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Sep 1, 2015

Send unsolicited dick pics.

"The sheer amount of dick pics, kik requests, and different ways of wording how they want to glaze me like a donut, really a huge turnoff."



"I really don't get why so many guys do this. Granted I've seen girls get sucked in. But mostly watching someone doing it is just painful."


Inappropriate catcalling...

"Some guy asked if he could holler at me a few weeks ago. While I was walking home from work. Alone. Around midnight. Please don't do this to women - it's terrifying, even if you mean no harm. ESPECIALLY at night. There's a time and place to attempt to pick up women (think social gathering! Bar, party, etc.) but not when she's just walking home, minding her own business."


Especially from a car.

"Shouting things at me out of your car will never work- What do you expect, me to chase down your car and hop on in?"


Send "accidental wrong number texts".

"The day after a second date I got a MASSIVE text which was a very very poorly disguised 'oops wrong number' fake text. It started out "Oh hey Matt I missed your call, blah blah blah something something something, then went: 'by the way, I met this amazing girl...' and went into extreme detail about how wonderful I was (I'd spent about 5 hours total in his company in my life) and how he couldn't tell me because he 'didn't speak girl' and maybe next time he should hold my hand because I might like that? He was 25. I almost threw my phone across the room out of cringe. To this day I haven't read the whole text, it was too painful."


Trying way too hard to take "manliness" to the extreme.



Pushing physical boundaries.

"If I am kissing you for the first time, or we are not in the stage of a relationship to be having sex just yet, please don't guide my hand to your penis. It's super awkward. That's like something a 15 year old would do. I have had someone in their 30's do that the very first time I kissed them. Dude, I know how to touch a penis and I will touch yours when I feel like it!!!"


Especially when completely unsolicited.

"The kitchen we work in is very small, my stove is next to his and to get to it he must walk behind me. He takes every chance he gets to try and brush up against my ass."



"Especially if you bring him around your other male friends or family members and he has to one-up everything and or be the hero of every story."


Picking women up...literally.

"Being picked up is one of my least favorite things guys do. It's like, oh good now you have removed all control I have over my own body and I feel threatened and way too physically close to you. Great. You're so macho, wow."


Flirting with women while they are at work.

"I'm literally being paid to be nice to you and take your order. Tell me what you want on your sandwich and then gtfo."


Or mistaking being nice for flirting.

"I get this a lot from my dad, who doesn't seem to get it, at Hooters. I'm like, 'IT'S THEIR FUCKING JOB TO BE NICE TO YOU' and he's still like 'you should ask her out.'"


Saying "you must be on your period."



Getting salty after rejection.

"This is especially common on dating sites. If I choose not to respond to someone or tell them I'm not interested, there are quite a few guys who immediately lash out at me, calling me names, saying they can do better, etc..."


Saying "you'd look prettier if you smiled."

"Look, I'm a person too, which means sometimes I have bad days. Also, thanks for implying that on top of having a terrible day I also look unattractive. If you are truly concerned, then ask me if there's anything you can do, but don't pressure me to force a smile when that's just not how I'm feeling."


Putting down boyfriends/husbands.

"It is like they think they are going to convince me to leave him and be with them. I didn't ask your opinion and I don't really care what you think. It actually makes me never want to talk to them again."


Giving unsolicited (bad) relationship advice.

Actual quote, "'It's only a good relationship if the man pursues the female, that is how you know you have a good guy, chicks should NEVER make the first move it isn't classy -I know what I am talking about, I have been with over 100 women.'"



"Being disrespectful as fuck then trying to act like I must be offended because I'm a woman. No, you interrupted the same sentence five fucking times. Now I don't give a fuck what you have to say because you're rude as hell, not because I'm on my fictional period."


Revving their car to impress you.

"Some guy proving how insecure he is about the size of his dick by showing off his over-compensating car...you don't look like a manly-man when you do this."


Doing the swag walk.

"Is it meant to imply you're being a casual alpha? It looks like they're walking through shallow water. I also thought it looked like their single brain-cell was trying to balance on a see-saw."


Gross bodily fluid demonstrations.

"Snot rockets or spitting on the side walk."
"Worse: spitting on the floor. Indoors. When there's a washroom two feet away"
"It seriously makes me gag when they hock up a big loogie and spit it. BLERG."


Having any opinion on makeup.

"Also women don't do their make up because they think men will like it. I wear a lot of heavy black eyeliner when I do my day-to-day makeup and I have no idea whether even my boyfriend likes it, I've never asked or considered it because it's not for him, I just like how it looks."


Calling vaginas anything but.

"When they use the words twat, snatch, cunt, etc. to refer to the vagina (I mean actually referring to a vagina as these things, by all means call your friends cunts and twats.)"


Assume interests/hobbies are geared towards attracting them.

"I once made the mistake of telling a guy I was into Batman, and had him grill me on everything related to it. Turns out he barely knew anything about the franchise save for the Nolan movies and a few famous plot lines from the comics. So then I flipped the trivia fest on him and let's just say it ended exactly how you'd expect."



"Like, stopping in their tracks, mouth hanging opening, staring as hard as they can. That is so fucking creepy. How do they think that's going to get them anywhere with a female? We are scared that we're about to be abducted. Does anyone know how to deal with this shit?"

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On Nov 18, 2021