Can You Match The Paw To Its Owner?

A close-up look at any animals paws, claws or hands is fascinating — and can be totally mysterious. Can you tell whose is whose?
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Jun 26, 2015
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That massive paw belongs to a familiar creature who may or may not have a love of honey.

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Who do these dainty paws belong to?

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Okay, those technically aren't paws, but go ahead and give it a shot anyway.

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This paw sort of resembles a desert floor, don't you think?

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We thought we'd give you an easy one. Sort of.

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That's not a dinosaur, but he's not too far away on the evolutionary scale.

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Small in stature, but those are some wickedly long claws on this guy.

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This one might stump you...

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If you need a hint, look to the fur.

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This girl loves running in circles whenever she gets the chance.

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That opposable thumb helps this guy move it, move it all across the limbs of trees.

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You can probably guess which kind of animal this is, but do you know which species exactly?

Questions left
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On Nov 18, 2021