What Wings of Fire Dragon are you, and what power you would have?
What Wings of Fire Dragon are you, and what power you would have?
Have you ever wondered what Wings of fire Dragon are you? Have you wondered if you would be an animus, a prophet, or a mind reader? Take the quiz and find out!
Have you ever wondered what Wings of fire Dragon are you? Have you wondered if you would be an animus, a prophet, or a mind reader? Take the quiz and find out!
![Horizon the Sandwing](http://cdn.ex.co/cdn/UserImages/837cb5ad-184c-44fb-9c15-e75c8679fc8c.jpg)
Which animal is your favorite out of the following? And answer honestly if you want the true result!
What is your favorite color?
Choose a Wings of Fire power:
Now choose any power:
What do you do on your weekends?
If you had a dragonet what would you name it?
Which Dragon are you most like?
You are a Mudwing! You enjoy getting dirty and having a great time. You are compassionate and loyal to your friends and family, and you intend to stay that way. And look there's.... MUD!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can breath underwater for at least an hour, and your big, strong, and funny. Congrats, because you'd also have the power of prophecy!
You LOOOVVVVEEEE swimming, oceans, pools, and anything to do with water. You tend to be fierce and protect your friends at any cost. You are destined for greatness, because you are a natural born leader! You also have night vision and the ability to breathe underwater for up to a day at a time. Congrats, because you also are a animus!
Your'e the clever one! You are super smart and LOVEEEEE reading! You also can stay up super late and blend in with the night sky! The Nightwing tribe is said to be the most powerful tribe! If you were born under one full moon, you get the ability of prophecy, two moons you get mind reading, and three moons you get all of them! You can be pretty powerful. When Nightwings bit their prey, they posion it and wait for them to die! Congrats, because your'e also an animus!
Your'e a Rainwing! You love fruit, taking naps and sleeping. Oh... and taking naps... did I mention that? Anways, you have an outgoing personality and enjoy following people. And sometimes... you can have an attitude. You have scales that change color when your emotions change, and you tend to be a little stubborn. You have poisonous venom that you can shoot, and you tend to blend in, unless you want to stand out! Congrats!
Your'e a natural leader. And you were born to be fierce, cunning and protective, although sometimes you can be a little arrogant. You have dangerous frost breath and scales as white as ice! You like cold weather, and you like whites and blues. Congrats! Brrrrrrr!
You tend to be a little aggressive, and you have red-orange-gold scales and enormous wings. You can get angry very quickly, but you don't stay that way. You are also very stubborn, you always want your way, and you usually get it. Congrats!
Frankly, there's two types of Sandwings. The bright and cheery ones, or the one's who are fierce and loyal. Sandwings have barbed tails, and they can survive a long time without water. You are also very good at staying hidden, and your'e cunning and mischievous! Congrats, because your'e a mind reader!
A Hybrid!
A Hybrid!
Your'e a Hybrid! You are a mix of two different dragons, and your'e very rare. Most people are unsure about wether to trust you or not to. Since most people don't meet someone like you, they will either fear or respect you. Congrats, because you are a mind reader, a prophet, and an Animus!