What Dragon Are You?
What Dragon Are You?
Are you an Earth Dragon that belongs to the forest or are you a Fire Dragon that breathes flames?
Are you an Earth Dragon that belongs to the forest or are you a Fire Dragon that breathes flames?

Favorite color?
Which is your inner element?
Which describes you best?
What would be your battle strategy?
Which is most important to you?
What weapon do you have experience with?
Which catches your eye the most?
What activity are you best at?
Where would you live?
Earth Dragon
Earth Dragon
You love nature and are most likely to live in the forest. You are strong, intelligent, and nice. If there is any chance of harm to loved ones, you will protect them no matter what! Even at the chance of death. You are gentle, though at times rough around the edges. Be proud of your Dragon! You are the strongest dragon.
Fire Dragon
Fire Dragon
You are gentle, and intelligent. Your battle strategy is strong against Ice Dragons and Psychic Dragons weak against Earth Dragons and Air Dragons. Be proud of your Dragon! You are kind to friends, family, allies, and those you trust. You pick your battles wisely and you fight to the death. You are the bravest dragon!
Air Dragon
Air Dragon
You are a light, fun personality, and a gentle soul. Though you may be fun and gentle you can fight, and protect the ones you love if they are in danger. You like to be in a quiet, peaceful place when you have the opportunity and you are nice to those who are nice to you. Be proud of this dragon! You are the kindest of dragons.
Ice Dragon
Ice Dragon
You most likely are serious and protective. At times you can be hot-headed, but when a loved one is in danger, the person that has picked the fight has not picked wisely. Even though you are weak against Fire Dragons you will still do a major amount of damage. Though this dragon can hurt you, you will come out alive. You have a heart of gold. Be proud of your dragon! You are the quickest of dragons.
Psychic Dragon
Psychic Dragon
Even though you are shy and have a dark exterior, you are buzzing with fun and happy life inside. You may keep to yourself, but you can gain the trust of others, because you are the most loyal colleague anyone could have. You have more intelligence than you do strength, but that is a good thing! You can move things with your mind and you pick your fights very, very wisely. Be proud of your dragon! You are the most intelligent of dragons!
Water Dragon
Water Dragon
Though you are rough around the edges and tough, you are sensitive inside. When you get mad or upset you put that emotion into anger. When a loved ones feelings have been hurt, you find the person creating the problem and warn them not to do it again or there will be consequences. You are very protective and aren't afraid to deal with danger. Be proud of your dragon! You are the toughest of dragons!