Can You Survive The Hunger Games
Can You Survive The Hunger Games
Will you be part of the 23 left behind? Or the 1 that lives as a constant reminder of them? (Yes I know it's easy to win)
Will you be part of the 23 left behind? Or the 1 that lives as a constant reminder of them? (Yes I know it's easy to win)
The cannon sounds. You are surrounded by heavy forest. You know you are faster than most tributes. You...
Somehow, you've made it out of the blood bath and you are in the forest. What is your first priority?
Soon night falls and you find that only 5 tributes are dead. You quickly decide that...
You look at a compass you got from the Cornucopia and find you can go either North, West, or East. You chose...
You see a tribute up ahead of you. You recognize she is the top rated tribute in the competition with an 11. You know you must kill her, but you feel...
You decide to throw it! Take a shot in the dark!
You don't kill her, but you hit her in the shoulder. To finish her off, you...
A few days later, 16 tributes are dead, and only 8 of you remain. One day you run into a wild dog.
Before you can make a move with the wild dog, you hear fighting on the other side of the forest. You...
A huge male twice as big as you are stands in front of you with a sword. You use your
Three more questions! You are in the top five of the competition and you find yourself at the beach of and ocean.
Another tribute comes and asks to be allies. You say...
Finally you have made it to the final 2. Your tactic:
"May we present the winner of the Hunger Games!"
"May we present the winner of the Hunger Games!"
Congratulations! With a lot of heart and determination, you managed to take down the final obstacle standing in the way of you and home. But be careful. You will never forget the other 23...
Sadly, your body will be shipped home to your family in a wooden coffin
Sadly, your body will be shipped home to your family in a wooden coffin
As a little last minute fun, the Game makers let lose a few mutts which sadly found their new toy, you. Maybe next time. (What next time?...)
Sadly, your body will be shipped home to your family in a wooden coffin
Sadly, your body will be shipped home to your family in a wooden coffin
Guess your an early starter. Bloodbath got you?
Sadly, your body, (or what remains of it), will be shipped home to your family in a wooden coffin
Sadly, your body, (or what remains of it), will be shipped home to your family in a wooden coffin
Opps! We may never know if the Game makers wanted to have fun or you forgot to watch you fire...