Which adam sandler character are you?
Which adam sandler character are you?
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Which Would you rather be doing?
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who are you closer to?
You would call your self...
Your Jack from Jack and Jill. you are professional and love your job but you tend to push away your loved ones.
Lenny Feder
Lenny Feder
Your childish and like to hang with old school mates to remind you of the good old days!
Dr. Daniel Maccabee
Dr. Daniel Maccabee
Your intelligent but stupid when it comes to women. you lie to get with women when the one for you is right under your nose!
Sam Brenner
Sam Brenner
You love video games but you don't have much of a life plan!!
Henry Roth
Henry Roth
You are a bit of a ladies man but when you meet/have meet the woman for you, you will stop at nothing to get her!!!
Happy Gilmore
Happy Gilmore
You are a bit of a goofball you are not the smartest but your heart is in the right place!!