Which Kind Of Ghost Hunter Are You?
Which Kind Of Ghost Hunter Are You?
Will you run in the face of danger? Or will you stand and fight? Find out with this fun quiz to test your Ghost Hunting personality!
Will you run in the face of danger? Or will you stand and fight? Find out with this fun quiz to test your Ghost Hunting personality!
What's Your Favorite Ghost Movie?
What's Your Weapon of Choice?
What is Your Catch Phrase?
When confronted with something scary you…
Where Would You Like to Live?
If You Had to Fight, Which Celebrity Do You Want By Your Side?
What's Your Ride?
What is Scariest?
What Sound Sends Shivers Up Your Spine?
If Something Moves When You Weren't Looking...
You are the Ghost Hunter that Wasn’t.
You are the Ghost Hunter that Wasn’t.
Let’s be honest. You aren’t going to kill a ghost. You’re the person that hides under the bed until you’re scared out of your own home. Hire a Ghost Hunter, you’ll be better off.
You are the Ghost Hunter of Festivus Past.
You are the Ghost Hunter of Festivus Past.
You will find humor in any situation and laugh louder than anyone. Yeah, you’ll probably kill a ghost or two, if you have to. But if you could slay it with your sly wit and sharp tongue, even better.
You are the Ghost Hunter of Christmas Present
You are the Ghost Hunter of Christmas Present
If Jacob Marley ever shows up rattling those chains, you will put his spirit to rest, posthaste. You are 100% Ghost Hunter, with an old-school flare. Ebenezer Scrooge is recruiting, should you like to take on an apprenticeship!
You are the Ghost Hunter of Christmas Yet to Come
You are the Ghost Hunter of Christmas Yet to Come
You are all over this ghost hunting thing. You’ve got the moves, you’ve got the style. You even have a muscle car to drive between gigs. You would even take on Death itself, and put him <i>down.</i>
You are the Scooby-Doo Ghost Hunter
You are the Scooby-Doo Ghost Hunter
You are all about the facts and you believe in playing it straight. Despite your practical demeanor, you are a good person to have around in a crisis. Because if it ISN’T a ghost, you’ll be the first to pull off the mask and reveal the true villain – who would have gotten away with it, if it wasn’t for you meddling kids.