Which Religion/Belief System Is The Best for You?
Which Religion/Belief System Is The Best for You?
Through this test, you'll get the ultimate answer to religion - Which one do you belong to?
Through this test, you'll get the ultimate answer to religion - Which one do you belong to?

How would you spend your free time?
How would you describe your Divine Being?
How would you maintain the connection with your divine?
Where would you attend your prayers/rituals etc.?
How would you tell your friends what you're interested in?
This religion speaks to you!
You believe that God sent Jesus to warn humanity, but also to teach us valuable lessons!
You'd rather stay in church and have a convo 101 with God, than stay home and play video games, of course, if the God speaks to you and you really want to believe!
Allah is your choice! You believe that true connection lies within our hearts that Allah exposes us to!
You want to follow peace, mercy and forgiveness within yourselves!
Buddhism is your religion to live! You feel you're connected with the universe and feeling the vibes in it. You prefer meditations and yoga over praying and such!
Hinduism is your choice! You love meditating and yoga, and the concept of life, the Universe, Karma and everything that lies in our human hearts.
Paganism is your choice! You like rituals, incantations, writing a Book of Shadows, doing magic and such, but mainly believe in more than one deity.
Wicca is a religion for you! Wicca is a pagan religion that incorporates believing in nature and Universe as one, with them being presented as God and the Goddess.
You like magic and doing rituals, and that is why this is for you!
Zoroastrianism is your choice! You want to talk and believe in your ancestory, and speaking to them, and them granting you a special after-life.
You also like doing rituals and similar things!
Unfortunately, you do not have the right requirements to call yourself a religious person, so you're an atheist!
You don't pick a way of life or a religion.
When you die, it's done, and that's your logic!