Can We Sum Up Your Life Story in Six Words?
Can We Sum Up Your Life Story in Six Words?
Everyone has a story - is yours a tale of success, or a roller-coaster?
Everyone has a story - is yours a tale of success, or a roller-coaster?

Choose a word.
Pick a side.
Which made up word sounds the best?
Would you say you've had a hard life thus far?
What could you say about yourself and your work ethic?
Do you consider yourself privileged?
Do you FEEL old?
Who are you?
Would you say you hear negative or positive things more often?
Choose a face:
"I never give up all hope."
"I never give up all hope."
You are the definition of a survivor. You are patient, calm, and strong. Most importantly, you’re hopeful. You are the friend who can look at a problem and see the light at the end of the tunnel. It takes someone very special to see the single shining star in a dark and cloudy sky – but you can do it almost effortlessly!
It will always get better – those are the words that sum up your life story. You represent the hallmark of persistence and survival. Perhaps you’ve been through a few struggles, maybe you’ve been through hard times, but it’s your positive outlook and respectable approach that makes you!
The question then is, how BETTER will it get? And that’s for you to decide!
"I live outside the "normal" box."
"I live outside the "normal" box."
You’re THE kid.
The one that no one seems to understand sometimes. You’re the one that people tilt their heads at, wondering what is going on. You wonder what’s going on inside yourself sometimes! But that’s a beautiful thing, you’re an open book and life are still being written.
You are intriguing, but very well assured and confident. It’s that same confidence that has carried you throughout life. You’re the person who can pull off very difficult things and make them seem like no problem at all!
There is nothing more honorable than someone who paves their own way, so grab a shovel and show them what you’re made of! That’s your job when you’re proud to be different!
"I have lost, but never quit."
"I have lost, but never quit."
We knew you weren't done yet! You are a warrior – the one who doesn’t give up until the battle is over! No matter what you go through – the ups or the downs, you stand strong in the face of any issue. You know how to have fun, but you’ll most definitely buckle down when the time comes!
“Oh, you thought I was finished?” It's a line to sum up the story of someone who is unexpected amazing, who can catch you off guard at a moment's notice. The one who surprises you when their world comes crashing down and they hop RIGHT back up to fix it!
Keep it up!
"Life is for living MY way."
"Life is for living MY way."
I would make a nice drink to go with that fun and sun, wouldn’t you?
You are whimsical, exciting, and a little quirky. It’s that quaint quirkiness that attracts people to you and keeps them interested. You’ve lead a life of ups, and maybe not too many downs. There were that many downs because of how you look at things – you’re not the type to be devastated easily.
You’re a firm believer that good prevails, and you’re most definitely right about that! Be sure to send me a post card when you’re living the high life!