Which Badass Female Character of The 100 Are You?
Which Badass Female Character of The 100 Are You?
There are so many strong women in The 100. Which do you most embody?
There are so many strong women in The 100. Which do you most embody?
What are you best liked for?
What about you is not so appealing?
In the case of a war, where are you most likely found?
Which comes first; the people you love or the greater good?
Which archetype do you fall under?
Name one thing you are craving at this moment.
Can you speak Trigedasleng?
Weapon of choice?
Had you been on the counsel, would you have voted the 100 off of the Ark?
If you were a Greek Goddess, which do you think you'd be?
Finally, what element of the zodiac do you fall under?
Clarke Griffin
Clarke Griffin
You are Clarke Griffin. You are a natural born leader with a great head on your shoulders. Your biggest priority is the group of people you love, and you'd do anything in your power to keep them safe. Your biggest weakness is your emotional responses, which some might argue only gets in the way of making the logical decision. You are able to balance your compassion and your ferocity, your just ruling and your acknowledgement of the need for mercy. Most importantly, you understand other people and are able to connect with them.
Commander Lexa
Commander Lexa
You are Commander Lexa. There's something special about you that just exudes power. People look to you because you always seem to have an answer, almost as if you've been two steps ahead your whole life. Your biggest weakness is your lack of trust; though this may save you from some of the trials in life, it can also cause a certain kind of isolation that only makes things harder on yourself. Even so, you are widely respected and known for your honest observations and just decisions.
Octavia Blake
Octavia Blake
You are Octavia Blake. People are immediately drawn to you, as you have a spirit and effervescence that is near impossible to dim. Though not necessarily a leader, you still highly value your independence and pride yourself on standing up for yourself and the people you love, no matter what. Your biggest weakness is your impulsivity; you have a tendency to jump into things without thinking them through fully, and realizing the possible outcomes outside of yourself.
Raven Reyes
Raven Reyes
You are Raven Reyes. One look at you, and people know they've got something special on their hands. You are a fighter to the core - you never stop working towards any goal that you have. And it pays off. Your biggest weakness, however, is your short temper and your ego. Not only do you often come across as somewhat arrogant, you also can be seen as violent and vulgar. Despite this, you truly have a heart of gold, and anyone who knows you, knows that you have only the best intentions..
Abby Griffin
Abby Griffin
You are Abby Griffin. When everything has gone wrong, people look to you for your compassion and willingness to help clean up the mess. You are a first responder with great ideas out the wazoo. Even so, people often find you opinionated and stubborn, which may cause several debates. Despite this, you are generally well-liked and supported in most of your endeavors, as you usually have a wide net of friends and family.
You are Anya. You are clever, caring, determined, and most of all, you are brave. Anya, a name which translates to "mother" in Hungarian, you are often seen trying to protect those you love and keep their best interest in mind, doing whatever it takes to keep them safe. Despite this, there is often a stoicism about you that is hard to get around. You don't trust many, but when you do, they will be in your hearts forever. It is this unconditional love and courage that people admire most about you.
You are Indra. You are as ruthless as it gets, but all for a good cause. Things in life have never really gone your way, but you fight back with everything you have, and for that, you've been able to survive. You are strong and wise, but your biggest weakness lies in your disability to trust those around you for fear of what they might do if they get inside your defenses. Don't be afraid to open up a little.
Maya Vie
Maya Vie
You are Maya Vie. Selfless and kind-hearted are two words to describe you, as you are always able to stand up for what's right, even if it doesn't benefit you. Despite your soft-spoken personality and often assumed innocence, you are quite courageous. Be careful of your biggest weakness, though; your all too trusting nature. Not everyone means the best. Even so, you are adored to no end because of your bubbly and sweet attitude.