How Spicy Are You?
How Spicy Are You?
Are you Sriracha hot stuff or more of a vinegary Tabasco sassy?
Are you Sriracha hot stuff or more of a vinegary Tabasco sassy?

Which of these celebs looks most like your "angry face"?
What type of food tastes better to you with some added spice?
Who's the sexiest of these spicy stars?
What's your shade of red?
Where is your least favorite place to be sunburnt?
If you had your own personal mascot, it would be a:
You are, without a doubt:
Which of these classic songs is most likely to make you dance like a crazy person?
You are Super Sriracha Spicy!
You are Super Sriracha Spicy!
Oh yes, you are what some consider to be THE spicy accoutrement! A fan of well recognized excellence, you put a bit of retro goodness into everything that you do. Your spice level is super high but not TOO high - you can hang with the best while still not turning away casual spicers. Some may accuse you of being a bit hipster, but they're just jealous of your ridiculously spicy swag. Respect the cock!
You are Sassy Tabascy Hot!
You are Sassy Tabascy Hot!
Oh, gurl (or guy, no judging here)! You are the sassiest sasser to ever spread your sassy brand of spicy across the lands! If there's a school of sarcasm, you should be the Dean of the Sass Department. You're medium level of spice manifests in tride and true 'tude, and you enjoy using your gift of wit to entertain your friends and loved ones. Though if someone p*sses you off - they better be ready for your level of spice to go from medium to scorching REAL fast!
You are Southern Texas Pete Spicy!
You are Southern Texas Pete Spicy!
Lawd'a'mercy! Is it hot in here, or is it just YOU? You're the pride of the south - a true spicy southerner who gets their kicks from anything hot! Speaking of, you don't mind the hot weather of the south - beats being cold any day! And did we mention anything fried + hot sauce = winning!? Your medium spice level is perfection - You've got enough spice to roll with the hottest of them, but don't pour it on too thick - a true Southern Belle (or Gentleman, either one!)
You are a Fiesta of Cholula Spicyness!
You are a Fiesta of Cholula Spicyness!
Can you say FIESTA? We wanna partay with YOU! You're an energetic, medium level o' spicy whose flavor is much more important than your kick. You're all about substance and true style, none of that "hot just for the sake of being hot" nonsense! Your presence alone is enough to get others all hot and bothered, and your personality is possibly the best variety of spicy there is!
You are Trappey's RED DEVIL HOT!
You are Trappey's RED DEVIL HOT!
Call a fire truck! Call ALL the fire trucks! You're on FiYaH and too hot to handle! People love you - they wanna be you and spread you across their food! You've got the spiciest of results possible on this quiz - the burning red passion of the Red Devil's cayenne spices - one of the absolute hottest concoctions on the planet! Now the real question is, can you contain your uber-levels of spicyness, or are you destined to spread your hotness accross the land? Only time will tell!