Which Disney horse would be your companion?
Which Disney horse would be your companion?
What Disney horse would be the perfect companion for you?
What Disney horse would be the perfect companion for you?
What is your quest?
How would you congratulate your horse on a job well done?
Do you have other pets?
Choose a word to describe yourself
You have a crush on someone, what do you do?
Which path sounds the most appealing?
You see a person getting mugged, how do you respond?
Which pet would you choose?
What super power would you choose
What color horse would you choose?
Maximus would be the perfect companion for you! Determined, focused and with a great love of apples he would ensure that you completed your quest in record time. He also enjoys the occasional scratch behind the ear...
Khan would be the perfect companion for you! Proud and mighty he would fearlessly charge into battle, with no thought of retreat, and would stand beside you until the bitter end....
Phillip would be the perfect companion for you! He may not be cut out for quests, but he would make a brilliant friend, and would happily help you out transporting goods from one place to another, unless of course there was a scary sound, in which case he would head for the hills....
Samson would be the perfect companion for you! Not only would he make a great wing man in any romantic endeavors, but he would also willingly join you in any quest necessary to secure that special someones heart- in return for food of course....,
Angus would make the perfect companion for you! Patient and gentle this lovable giant will keep you from getting into trouble, while the two of you go galloping around the world. Just remember to always trust his instincts...
Pegasus would make the perfect companion for you! Dizzy, silly and a bit of a firecracker this mythical horse is a perfect match for your bubbly and adventurous personality. The two of you would have a great time soaring through the skies on your way to fight monsters, showing the world what a real hero is all about.... Just don't let your head get too big!