Which Sanders Side Are You?

Have you ever wondered which Sanders side you are? Take this quiz to find out!

Ella Johnson
Created by Ella Johnson(User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Feb 25, 2018

First Question: How are you today?

Which is most important to you

If you're happy and you know it...

Describe yourself in one word

What's your favourite Sanders Side Video quote

Do you like to sing?

Are you easily stressed

Who's your Favourite Sanders Side?

Do you like word association games?

Which Hogwarts House are you in



You're nervous and you bring people down without trying every once and a while but you're friends always help you out.



You are the most outgoing and bubbly person people know, you always have a smile on your face and you bring a positive attitude to every situation.



You are always thinking of the logical solution and any problem and you bring a sense of logic and wisdom to a group.



You're very courageous and outgoing. You are also very brave and heroic.

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