Twilight Trivia!
Twilight Trivia!
How well do you know "The Twilight Saga"? Take this quiz now to discover just how much.
How well do you know "The Twilight Saga"? Take this quiz now to discover just how much.
What middle name did Edward and Bella decide on for their daughter, Renesmee?
Where did Edward and Bella spend their honeymoon?
Why was Rosalie Hale changed into a vampire?
Which vampire possessed elemental manipulation?
Which member of the Denali Coven was executed in "Breaking Dawn"?
In which war was Jasper Hale a solider?
Why was Emmett changed into a vampire?
Who did NOT ask Bella to prom?
What did Bella tell Charlie to keep peace about her and Edward resuming dating in "Eclipse"?
When Bella refused to come to Forks during her summer vacations, where would she spend time with Charlie?
What did Bella want to name her unborn child originally?
Why was Alice changed into a vampire?
What was Edward's full name?
Which Native American tribe does Jacob Black belong to?
Why was Esme changed into a vampire?
Who was Bella's closest human friend?
Where was Carlisle Cullen from originally?
What article of clothing did Riley Biers steal from Bella's bedroom for the army of newborns in "Eclipse"?
What was the name of the tracker vampire intent on killing Bella when the Cullens played baseball in "Twilight"?
Why did Bella punch Jacob?