Are you a true Bellarke fan? Or should you ship Clexa?
Are you a true Bellarke fan? Or should you ship Clexa?
Are you deeply a Bellarke fan? Or do you truly ship Clexa? Click this quiz to find out!
Are you deeply a Bellarke fan? Or do you truly ship Clexa? Click this quiz to find out!
What is the first Bellarke moment that happened in Season 1?
In what season did Bellamy and Clarke kiss on the cheek?
Who was the first person Clarke was in a relationship with?
With whom was Bellamy's first relationship with?
Did Clarke & Bellamy ever kiss on the lips?
What is the second Bellarke moment in season 1?
Devoted Bellarke shipper!
Devoted Bellarke shipper!
You are a devoted Bellarke shipper! You know almost all the Bellarke moments, maybe even all of them! You love Bellamy and Clarke! They are your favorite thing about the show!
Only barely a Bellarke fan!
Only barely a Bellarke fan!
You don't know hardly any of the Bellarke moments. You watch the show, but not very often. Your not crazy about it, like all your friends, but you watch the show....sometimes.
Bellarke? Clexa? You don't ship either of them! you are a Linctavia (Lincoln & Octavia) shipper! Or a Flarke (Finn & Clarke) fan! You could also be a Minty (Monty & Miller) shipper!
Clexa shipper!
Clexa shipper!
Bellarke? You are a Clexa shipper all the way! Your fav thing about the show is Lexa and Clarke! They make the show better!