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Need To Unwind? Try Throwing A Bob Ross Paint-Along Party Like One Of These!

Bob Ross parties are sweeping the world, and giving people a great new way to relax with friends. Find out more here, then we'll tell you which episode you should paint along to!

Elsa Amelia
Created by Elsa Amelia
On Feb 6, 2017
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There is nothing more heartwarming than nostalgia and nothing more relaxing than the calming voice of Bob Ross as he assures us all that "we don't make mistakes. We just have happy accidents." So, lately, people have been throwing some pretty amazing Bob Ross parties. Some are for birthdays...

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Some are for children...

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And some are for kids at heart...

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But no matter the setting, people have been loving painting along to Bob Ross...

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And whether you have lots of decorations and friends and signature afro wigs or simply a canvas, a little phthalo blue and titanium white, Bob Ross is guaranteed to calm you down.

But with 403 episodes to choose from, how on earth are you supposed to choose one to paint? Well, we've got you covered. Take our quiz to find out which Joy of Painting episode you should paint along to tonight!

So, now that you know which episode you need to paint along to, what we'd like to know is...

Do you think you'll actually have a paint-along?

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Any other thoughts? Talk to us about them in the comments below, and share with your friends to see what they think!

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