This Disney Would You Rather Quest Will Reveal Your Modern Princess Character Alignment!
This Disney Would You Rather Quest Will Reveal Your Modern Princess Character Alignment!
Obviously, you're not evil, but are you chaotic like Merida? Lawful like Elsa? Find out here!
Obviously, you're not evil, but are you chaotic like Merida? Lawful like Elsa? Find out here!
![Elsa Amelia](
You're in a forest full of magical creatures, and several approach you. Would you rather have a pegasus which cannot talk but can help you get wherever you need to go or a 100 year old talking mouse who can offer you invaluable life advice?
You suddenly find yourself in an enchanted castle. Would you rather explore what's inside or immediately try to escape?
Some talking furniture asks you to stay very politely. Would you rather be rude and refuse or agree to be their guest?
An enchanted mirror on the wall says it can tell you who is the fairest of them all. Would you rather find out that it's you and be hunted for your beauty or find out that it's someone else and know that you'll never marry a prince because of it?
There's a maze outside the enchanted castle. Would you rather go left to find yourself in Wonderland or go right to find yourself in Neverland?
An enormous dragon suddenly appears and prevents you from even entering the maze. Would you rather try to fight the dragon or talk to the dragon?
The dragon turns into a witch. The witch offers you a choice between a poisoned apple or a poisoned spinning wheel. Would you rather risk death or a hundred years of bad dreams?
A prince appears to save you. Would you rather marry this one and hope for a happily ever after or thank him for his help and send him on his way, waiting to find true love with someone else?
Lawful Good
Lawful Good
You're Lawful Good! Just like Princess Anna, you're dedicated, dutiful, and positive. You have a strong sense of right and wrong, and you don't hesitate for even a moment when it comes to doing what you know to be right. Your courage is steadfast and truly worthy of admiration. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which princess they are!
Neutral Good
Neutral Good
You're Neutral Good! Just like Moana, you have a strong sense of duty that often clashes with your deepest desires. But if you listen to your heart, your path will always become clear and you might just find that what you want and what you're needed for might just be the same thing. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which princess they are!
Chaotic Good
Chaotic Good
You're Chaotic Good! Just like Rapunzel, you're a little unpredictable and might even find yourself conflicted, but at the end of the day, you're working toward what you know is right for you. You may find yourself becoming discouraged by naysayers, but you're creativity will always help you find solutions where others may believe they don't exist. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which princess they are!
Lawful Neutral
Lawful Neutral
You're Lawful Neutral! Just like Elsa, you're dedicated and dutiful, and you'll always do what you think is right, but sometimes you might have trouble seeing the other and better possibilities for yourself and others. Not to worry, though, your deep commitment to those you love will make sure that they help you when things seem hopeless. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which princess they are!
Chaotic Neutral
Chaotic Neutral
You're Chaotic Neutral! Just like Merida, you're truly a wild one at heart, and you absolutely cannot be tamed. You go where the wind takes you and are absolutely committed to personal freedom. You still have a strong love for the people you care about, though, and at the end of the day, family is going to be the most important thing. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which princess they are!
True Neutral
True Neutral
You're True Neutral! Just like Tiana, you're a hard worker who's going to do whatever it takes to make goals, dreams, and ambitions a reality, no matter what craziness life throws at you, but you're still a loyal friend and a great person to have on other people's teams. Do you agree? Talk to us about it in the comments below, and share with your friends to see which princess they are!