Which star wars villian are you?
Which star wars villian are you?
Which star wars villain are you?
Which star wars villain are you?
Which weapon will you have of these?
Which army would you have?
How do you'r friend's describe you?
Which planet do you want to live on?
You are Darth Sidious/Emperor/Plapatine
You are Darth Sidious/Emperor/Plapatine
You is one of the best sith's in the world. You is very intelligent and have force lighting.
You are General Grievous
You are General Grievous
You is a strong general and leader. You is a cyborg and have 4 arms
You are Karina the great
You are Karina the great
You is the geonosian queen. Yours geonosians defend and protect you from everything they will kill you.
You are Darth Vader
You are Darth Vader
You is a very good and strong dark jedi. You is a cyborg so you can't live without you mask and costume.
You are count dooku
You are count dooku
You is a count and you is called Darth Tyranus.
You are Grand moff Trakin
You are Grand moff Trakin