Which George Clooney Character Is Your One True Love?
Which George Clooney Character Is Your One True Love?
I hope you like charming bad boys.
I hope you like charming bad boys.

How do you feel about tattoos on your man?
Would you ever date anyone who had been in prison?
Where would you most like to settle down?
Would you rather your man be smart or funny?
How would you like your partner to convey his love for you?
Do you want to have children?
Which Clooney look do you find most attractive?
Do you think of yourself as someone who needs a lot of emotional support?
Which outfit would you most like to see George wearing?
Do you tend to date introverts or extroverts?
Danny Ocean
Danny Ocean
Your true love is Danny Ocean from "Ocean's Eleven." Danny is an ex-con thief who follows his morals. He has three rules: Don't hurt anybody, don't steal from anyone who doesn't deserve it, and play the game like you've got nothing to lose. He is a tough, competent, and charismatic bad boy with a romantic side. You could always rely on him to bring you flowers and jewelry on the regular. While he is an excellent communicator and leader, he is also friendly, calm, and down-to-Earth. He's everyone you could want in a man!
Ulysses Everett McGill
Ulysses Everett McGill
Your true love is Ulysses from the adventure comedy "O Brother, Where Art Thou?" Ulysses is in prison in Mississippi for practicing law without a license, and tricks two friends into escaping with him in order to stop his wife from remarrying. He is a romantic who would do anything for you and your family. He is a confident leader who would bring you on many spontaneous adventures and love to sing you bluegrass folk music.
Jack Foley
Jack Foley
Your true love is Jack Foley from the crime comedy "Out of Sight." While Jack is a career bank robber, he never carries a gun and is a non-violent criminal. He is smart and funny, and everyone likes him, so he would be perfect to bring home to your family despite his criminal past. Doesn't he sound like your perfect man?
Michael Clayton
Michael Clayton
Your true love is Michael Clayton from the legal thriller "Michael Clayton." Michael is a "fixer" at a prestigious law firm in New York City, which means that he cleans up any messes that the other lawyers make. While his job brings out the dark side in him, he is very smart and well-connected. Your relationship would never be dull or stressful. He is always under pressure but never raises his voice, so he will be a calm and loving partner!
Ryan Bingham
Ryan Bingham
Your true love is Ryan Bingham from the comedy-drama "Up in the Air." Ryan is a corporate "downsizer," so his life consists of flying all over the country to let employees know that they have been let go. He is highly independent, but would definitely settle down for you! He would be an extremely caring and supportive partner, as he specializes in making motivational speeches to cheer up fired ex-employees. Also, like most Clooney characters, he is suave, charming, and sure to sweep you off your feet.
Seth Gecko
Seth Gecko
Your true love is bad boy Seth Gecko from the "From Dusk Until Dawn" film series. Seth has a bad history consisting of murders, bank robberies, kidnappings, and jail stays, but this only adds to his intrigue. He also has many redeeming qualities. He only kills when necessary, so you are safe and could probably use this to your advantage. He is extremely sexy with his cool, suave personality and a tattoo running down his muscular arms.