Which Disney Princess Are You?
Which Disney Princess Are You?
Take the quiz to find out!
Take the quiz to find out!

What is your favorite colour?
Who do you think, have the prettiest clothes?
(Does not affect your answer)
Which flower?
Pick the picture that resembles you the most.
Which movie genre do you like the most?
What do you like to do in yourspare time?
What do you look for in a man?
Where do you want to go the most? (out of these)
Which Brand?
What is you favorite/lucky number?
You are Belle! You are very independant and does not need a boy to be happy! You protect your family and friends and are truly loyal to the ones you love. You don't really care about how a guy looks because it's the personality that counts, right? You like reading and animals. But this doesn't mean you aren't brave or strong. You are still as strong as every other young girl in this world. Even if it hasn't showed yet. :)
You are Mulan! You are very beautiful and responsible. People don't think you have what it takes. But the thing they don't get is that you arevery intelligent and headstrong. You are brave and independant. You are a real warrior on the inside but can, if you want to, be very plite and gentle. You go girl! ;)
You are Tiana! You are a very independant women. You are determinded and knows what you want! People are drawn to you because of your helpfulnes and your good advice. You have a dream and would do anything to make it come true. You love your family and protect the ones you love! <3
You are Elsa! You are very responsible and polite. You are a true queen inside and a natural leader! You like your alone time and you are very independent. This does not mean you don't like the company of others but you think better if you are alone. :)
You are Anna! You are very playful and funny! You are very determinded and you have a lot of passion in your soul. People are drawn to because you are very friendly and creative! You love being with your family and friends, having snowball fights and celebrating holidays!
You are Merida! You are very fun and playful! You like animals and food very much! Hahaha...
You hate doing chores and does not behave like a "typical princess". Instead of eating dinner with other royalty's and have a royal speech, you are in the woods or playing sports. You are very brave and independent. You would do anything to protect your loved ones but also to be free! :)
You are Pocahontas! You are very brave and love being with animals. Your best friends are the animals and mother Theresa. You love doing the things that sets your soul on fire and you protect your loved ones until the end. You are a free spirit and will, or have had, an instructive life.;)
You are Rapunzel! You have a very playful spirit and your heart is very colorful. You love art,painting and you are very determinded. You are a true dreamer and will never stop. You are very bright and you have pretty good aims in life. Everybody loves you, you know. <3