The Ultimate Buffy the Vampire Slayer Quiz

How well do you know the Scooby gang and co.?
Created by (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,
On Mar 2, 2017
1 / 20

What role did Sarah Michelle Gellar first audition for?

2 / 20

What season did Faith first appear in?

3 / 20

What was the name of the Jamaican vampire slayer from season 2?

4 / 20

What was Angel's human name?

5 / 20

Who sired Spike?

6 / 20

What happens to everyone in the episode "Once More with Feeling"?

7 / 20

Name these (terrifying) Buffy the Vampire villains

8 / 20

What happened to Xander in the final season?

9 / 20

Who got the last ever line in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

10 / 20

What song is played when Buffy and Angel have their break-up dance at her prom?

11 / 20

What was the name of the 'lucky' stake gifted to Buffy by another Slayer?

12 / 20

What was the name of the human that Glory was trapped in and used as a vessel?

13 / 20

What name did Buffy adopt when her and the gang lost all their memories in 'Tabula Rasa'?

14 / 20

What was the name of the female werewolf that Oz had an affair with?

15 / 20

What was Giles' nickname given to him in his youth?

16 / 20

What's the name of the diner that Buffy briefly works in at the start of season three?

17 / 20

What's Buffy's father's name?

18 / 20

What's the name of the fast food joint Buffy works at in season six?

19 / 20

What made everyone fall in love with high school quarterback R.J. in 'Him'?

20 / 20

What was former vengeance demon Anya most afraid of?

Questions left
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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021