Which Member Of House Stark Are You?

Which member of House Stark are you?

Created by Entertainment.ie (User Generated Content*)User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of, Playbuzz.com.
On Mar 29, 2017

Where would you go on a Saturday night?

If you had to eat one kind of food for the rest of your life, what would it be?

The Boltons are attacking Winterfell! Choose your weapon!

What's your perfect holiday?

What kind of music do you like?

Pick a colour.

You now have the ability to warg! What's the first animal you warg into?

What kind of films do you like?

Your ideal partner is...

What's your drink of choice?

Bran Stark

Bran Stark

You're weird, you hang out in the wilderness, you're probably going to save us all.

Rickon Stark

Rickon Stark

Oh, you sweet summer child.

Arya Stark

Arya Stark

When you're not being a sass-machine, you're ending fools with Needle and being the best character in the show. Well done.

Sansa Stark

Sansa Stark

While people might dismiss you as being a bit vacuous, you've got a lot going underneath that head of glorious hair.

Jon Snow

Jon Snow

Look, you might be the saviour of Westeros and the Prince that was promised - but maybe liven it up a bit? Just a thought.

Ned Stark

Ned Stark

The mere fact that you took this quiz proves you're not the real Ned Stark. The real Ned Stark would scoff and talk about how taking quizzes wasn't honourable.

Catelyn Stark

Catelyn Stark

You're a solid, dependable sort - but Seven Hells, there's no way we're going to cross you. Ever.

Robb Stark

Robb Stark

You're a bit of a banter merchant, you like the simpler things and you're going to die painfully and become a martyr for the North. Good luck with that, pal.

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Created by Tal Garner
On Nov 18, 2021